Monday, September 04, 2006


THE OTHER I,thats what they call it....

Tip Tip Tip,sounds something wet,
mix with them are my tears and the blood,
pains and sorrows,they come and go;
but i know to how,not to bow.

Thann Thann Thann, sounds like the chains;
i am doomed to wander,errand in vains.
where shall i go,running from my soul?
my past and present,chasing the future;
oh my lord,never led them nurture.
chains are heavy,my hearts beating;
with weeping soul,my hearts bleeding.

Knock Knock Knock,someone's at the door,
is it the death i mourn,or success i adore.
the former if it comes,i lie in peace;
for others appearence,my body's at ease.
but i know ,my sin's chasing eternity;
tossed and turned,i am doomed in vanity.

Tik Tik Tik,sounds like the clock;
my heart once thrumbles,hard as a rock.
time's running out,death standing at door;
loads intended to do,before wading the shore.

Wake Wake Wake,it's the time i detest;
alarm clock ringing,at the ear's behest.
the birds are chirping,light so dappled;
it was then i realised,it was a dream battled!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i love this poem. I think i like more the sound and ritm. My dictionary is so poor!!! But I will translate more near to the real you want to say... I will try off course because you are an author. My friend you are very sensitive. kisses.

Over An Espresso said...

Really musical,
it is not easy to add rythm to poetry...

Nice poem,
Reminds me of the quatrains of Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat!

Anonymous said...

i think is so cute!!!!