Friday, December 01, 2006

Silence!!!!a pin dropped,eyes awaken,
a drop of water and i turned;
up came the hands and closed my eyes;
baffled i remain,perplexed her sighs.
hands so warm,hold so tight,
my eyes are closed,seems like the night.
panting her breath,breaks thy silence,
fragrance she respires,dancing like the fires.
tossed my hairs,shabby they were;
combed her fingers,no one could have dared,
flick i sprew,caught thy hands below,
turned,twissed when i,no one actually there!!!!!!!!!!

now this poem have many things to decipher...i wrote a ballad of which its a part of!!!!!


Anonymous said...

niceeeeeeeeeeeee ...

Anonymous said...

elegantly beautiful n full of grace!

Anonymous said...

Amazing imaginative..very true...

Unknown said...

simply superb!!!!!!!!!!

Samar said...

Truly a great post,I love the vivid imagery...Good Luck!